⚒️Content Creation Frameworks – Best ChatGPT Prompts

⚒️Content Creation Frameworks – Best ChatGPT Prompts

  1. “Using the ‘Situation-Complication-Resolution’ framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that presents a [situation] faced by [ideal customer persona], discusses the [complication] that arises from the situation, and presents our [product/service] as the [resolution] to the problem. End with a call to action that encourages the reader to take advantage of the solution.”
  2. “Using the ‘Emotional Value Proposition’ framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that speaks to the [emotional needs] of [ideal customer persona] and presents our [product/service] as the solution that will fulfill those needs. Identify the [desired emotion], create a [story] that evokes that emotion, and include [testimonials] from customers who have experienced that emotion after using our product.”
  3. “Write a marketing campaign outline using the ‘Customer Journey Map’ framework that visualizes the journey from [awareness] to [conversion] for [ideal customer persona] and creates content that aligns with each stage. Identify their [pain points] and present our [product/service] as a solution to those issues, highlighting the [features] and [benefits] of our product and explaining how it can [improve their situation].”
  4. “Using the ‘Marketing Funnel’ framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that targets [awareness/consideration/conversion] stage of the customer journey and aligns with the goals of each stage. Highlight the [features] of our [product/service] and explain how it can [solve a problem] or [achieve a goal] for [ideal customer persona].”
  5. “Write a marketing campaign outline using the ‘Empathy Map’ framework to understand the thoughts, feelings, and needs of [ideal customer persona]. Identify their pain points and create content that speaks to those issues, addressing their [thoughts], [feelings], and [needs] with our [product/service].”
  6. “Using the ‘SCAMPER’ framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that suggests creative ways to [substitute/combine/adapt/modify/put to other uses/eliminate/rearrange] our [product/service] in order to make it more appealing to [ideal customer persona].”
  7. Using the ‘Product-Market Fit’ framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that demonstrates how our [product/service] is a perfect fit for the needs and pain points of [ideal customer persona]. Identify the specific problems faced by the target market, explain how our product addresses these issues, and provide evidence or testimonials to back up our claims. Emphasize the benefits of using our product and how it can improve the reader’s life or business.”
  8. “Write a marketing campaign outline using the ‘Storyboard’ framework to outline the key elements of a [story] about our [product/service]. Include the [protagonist], [conflict], and [resolution] and use these elements to create a compelling narrative that resonates with [ideal customer persona].”
  9. “Using the ‘Myth-Busting’ framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that identifies and debunks common misconceptions or myths about our [product/service]. Provide [facts] and [evidence] to support your claims.”
  10. “Write a marketing campaign outline using the ‘Storytelling’ framework to create a narrative around our [product/service]. Use [characters], [plot], and [setting] to engage [ideal customer persona] and build emotional connections.”
  11. “Using the ‘Case Study’ framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that presents a real-life example of how our [product/service] has successfully solved a [problem] or achieved a [goal] for a specific [customer]. Include details on the [challenges] faced by the customer and how our product provided a [solution].”
  12. “Write a marketing campaign outline using the ‘Question-Answer’ framework to start with a [question] relevant to [ideal customer persona] and provide a thorough and informative answer. Explain the importance of the question and why it matters to the reader.”
  13. “Using the ‘Compare-Contrast’ framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that compares and contrasts two or more options or ideas to help [ideal customer persona] make an informed decision. Explain the pros and cons of each option and provide examples to support your points.”
  14. “Write a marketing campaign outline using the ‘How-To’ framework to provide step-by-step instructions on how to complete a specific [task] or achieve a particular [goal] for [ideal customer persona]. Include clear and concise steps and any necessary resources or tools.”
  15. “Using the ‘Problem-Solution’ framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that identifies a [problem] faced by [ideal customer persona] and offers a solution through our [product/service]. Explain how our product can solve their problem and improve their situation.”
  16. “Write a marketing campaign outline using the ‘Scannable Content’ framework to create content that is easy to scan and read quickly for [ideal customer persona]. Include clear headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make the content more accessible and effective.”
  17. “Write a [type of content] using the Rule of One framework that focuses on one main [idea], one main [message], or one main [call to action] in order to make the content more effective and memorable.”
  18. “Using the PESO Model, create a [type of content] that is [paid], [earned], [shared], or [owned] in order to reach a wider [audience] and increase [engagement].”
  19. “Write a [type of content] using the SPIN framework that uses specific, provocative, informative, and emotional [language] to create compelling content that persuades the reader to take [action].”
  20. “Create a [type of content] using the Inverted Pyramid framework that starts with the most important [information] and then moves on to less important [details], so that readers can quickly get the main points.”
  21. “Write a [type of content] using the Hero’s Journey framework that follows the journey of a [hero] from [ordinary] to [extraordinary] through [challenges] and [obstacles], ultimately achieving their [goal].”


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